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News & Events
Learn more about Procrastination Pet and find the latest news and events!
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Upcoming Event
May 15th | 15500 Legacy Rd. Tustin, CA 92782
Meet our CEO
Hi, I'm Procrastination Pet's CEO, Tiffanie Chang!
You can contact me below.
Employee of the Month | February
Meghan Lai
Meghan Lai is an extremely dedicated individual who works hard and tries her best in everything she does. She influences the environment of the company positively with her light and happy attitude which she shares every day!
Employee of the Month | March
Syler Patel
Syler is a team player and always contributes to work. He is on task every single day and does his best! During the interview with Syler, he stated that his favorite thing about the company is getting to help the people of our world. He is a valued member of Admin.
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